MPAC is proud to present the The John T. Cunningham NJ350 Lecture Series, in partnership with The Star Ledger/ Featuring lectures by a few of New Jersey's finest...
Auditions for Performing Arts Company
The MPAC Performing Arts Company (Ages 13-21), now in its 9th year, is seeking talented, serious musical theatre performers ages 13-21 who can sing, dance, and act and are looking to use their talent...
Box Office Hours for Labor Day Weekend
LABOR DAY BOX OFFICE HOURS:The Box Office will be open Friday, August 29th from 10am - 2pm.The Box Office will be closed Saturday August 30th through Monday, September 1st.The Box Office will re-open...
20th Anniversary Homepage
We are proud to introduce the 20th Anniversary Season Highlights page!Go here to have a look, and don't forget to keep checking back as the page will be updated with all of the exciting events to...
Music Beyond Borders Off To A Great Start!
Watch a video and make sure to make it down one of the 3 more Tuesdays left this Summer! Go here to read the article and check out the footage from yesterday's kick-off Eco Del...