Volunteers have been a building block of our theatre throughout our 29-year history, and play a vital role in MPAC’s success as a non-profit organization.

From assisting in the theater’s “Front of House” before, during or after a performance to working with the administrative staff, volunteers participate meaningfully in all areas of theater life.

Through this rewarding program, volunteers also have the opportunity to participate in parties and other specially planned activities throughout the season.


Front of House

If you have an interest in the performing arts and enjoy working with the public, we invite you to apply to join our corps of more than 100 enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers!

Volunteers serve as ticket takers, ushers, concessionaires, line managers and merchandise sellers. For each show, they are an essential part of the team that helps to create an enjoyable and comfortable theatergoing experience for our audience.

Please know that volunteers who enter our program are required to attend a Volunteer Orientation and are required to volunteer for a minimum of 18 performances per season. Performances are staged throughout the week and on weekends. These requirements are necessary to ensure that MPAC can provide the highest quality patron experience.

MPAC Volunteers

Volunteer Today

Thank you for your support. We are incredibly lucky to have had so many applications and our summer Open House/Orientation for the end of August is now full. All other inquiries will be placed on a wait list. If you have any questions please contact:

Please contact Erin Pach, Front of House Director & Volunteer Manager973-539-0345 Ext. 6509

2023/2024 Achievement Highlights

Voy Angepellitteri
Volunteer of the Year
Ange Pellitteri
Rookie Cindyflowers
Rookie of the Year
Cindy Flowers
Rookie Mostdays
Most Days Volunteered
Will Fullman
Directors Choice Franceslamb
Director’s Choice
Frances Lamb
Service with a Smile
Nella Camporeale
New Shining Stars: 100+ Shows
Rita Fand & Lorraine Kowalczyk
New to 50+ Club
Barbara Manger, Joe Asmar & Florence Riehman

Shining Star: 100+ Shows

William Fullman (141), Mina Rizzo (122), Betty Lee (118), Betty Mills (110), Angela Pellitteri (110), Lorraine Kowalczyk (108), Rita Fand (107)


New to the 50+ Club!

Ann Babits, Terry Johnson, Barbara Manger, Florence Riehman, Kim Kramer Ganz, Joseph Asmar, Gerri Harrington, Denyse Edge


Above & Beyond: (50+ shows)

Patty Mann, Claire Beslow, Karen O’Neill, Debbi Boutillier, Alexandra Andrew, Regina Radomski, Deborah Kander, Sean Marchev, Diane Garafano, Nella Camporeale, Joan Brueche, Izabella Galinsky, Edward Russick, Beth Schreck, Deborah Palicia, Michael Rojek, Barbara Perentin, Frances Lamb, Bill Berlamino, Paul Anthony, Cheri Berlamino, Eileen Meyer, Sam Murphy, Andrew Trackenberg, Elizabeth Weigand, Laura Tango, Eileen Paragano

2022/2023 Achievement Highlightsarrow-down

Bethschreck Voy
Volunteer of the Year
Beth Schreck
Ritafand Rookie
Rookie of the Year
Rita Fand
Minarizzo Mostdays
Most Days Volunteered
Mina Rizzo
Ellenrudel Directorchoice
Director's Choice
Ellen Rudel
Tony tarullo Directors choice
Director's Choice
Tony Tarullo
Aug Sept Vom Angepellitteri
Concessionaire Extraordinaire
Ange Pellitteri
Noellepaclawskyk Servicewithasmiel
Service with a Smile
Noelle Paclawskyj

Shining Star:

(100+ Shows) Mina Rizzo (134), Will Fullman(124) & Betty Mills (117)

Above & Beyond: (50+ shows)

Debbi Boutillier, Deb Kander, Frances Lamb, Betty Ann Lee, Patty Mann, Carol Moss, Dolores Noboa, Eileen Paragano, Ange Pellitteri, Mike Rojek, Bob & Karen Terllizzi,& Ed Russick & Sharon Walsh, Bill & Cheri Berlamino, Nella Camporeale & DianeGarafano.

New to the 50+ Club!

Beth Schreck, Rita Fand, Emily Renjilian, Deborah Palicia, Andy Trackenberg, Sasha Andrews, Regina Radomski, Barbara Perentin, Betsey Seligson, Eileen Meyer, Izabella Galinsky, Paul Anthony & Claire Beslow.

2021/2022 Achievement Highlightsarrow-down

Gail flaherty Volunteer of the year award
Volunteer of the Year
Gail Flaherty
Rookie of the year 2022 award Dolores noboa
Rookie of the Year
Dolores Noboa
Mina Rizzo - most days volunteered award
Most Days Volunteered
Mina Rizzo
Concessionaire Extraordinaire - Ange Pellitteri
Concessionaire Extraordinare
Ange Pellitteri
Screen Shot 2022 08 11 At 11.38.29 Am
Director's Choice
Maryrose Walsh
Volunteer of the Year 2020 award - Betty Mills
Volunteer of the Year 2020
Betty Mills
Service with a Smile award - Will Fullman
Service with a Smile
Will Fullman

Shining Star (100 + shows)

Mina Rizzo (159), Betty Mills (128), Carol Moss(125) Will Fullman (117), Ange Pellitteri (101)

Above & Beyond

Michael Rojek, Patty Mann, Debbi Boutillier, Gail Flaherty, Karen O’Neil, Tony Tarullo, Nella Camporeale, Diane Garafano, Bill Berlamino, Cheri Berlamino, Sean Marchev, Alan McDermott, Bob Terlizzi, Karen Terlizzi, Anne Trevor, Betty Ann Lee, Eileen Paragano, Hector Gonzalez, Susan Sosnicky, John McDonnell, Liz Palumbo.

50+ Gold Badge

Dolores Noboa, Cynthia Vega, Frances Lamb, Edward Russick, Lisa Newberg-Brown, Patricia MacDonald, Lila Adnane, and Diane McDougall.

2020/2021 Achievement Highlightsarrow-down

2019 Achievement Highlightsarrow-down