Emma Swayze, a junior at Randolph High School, was selected the winner of the 2018 MPAC Cover Art Contest. Emma’s artwork will appear on the next program book cover, to be seen by thousands of MPAC patrons in March and April. Over 70 middle and high school students from throughout Morris County participated in this year’s cover art contest. All of the children’s works will be exhibited in the Art Upstairs Gallery through March 4. “I was coming out of doing still-lifes in class and I wanted to integrate that into my theme,” Miss Swayze said. “I took a bunch of things from around the classroom and put it together to create my own still-life. I spent hours each night on it and I’m so excited to have won.” MPAC held a reception for all students who participated in the contest on Monday, February 26. Over one hundred people, including the artists, their friends and families attended this special reception where the winner was announced. Emma’s teacher is Mercedes Ingenito from Randolph High School.