Dawn Bublitz has been named MPAC’s Volunteer of the Month of February.
This recognition program is designed to shine a light on the many individuals who contribute their time and energy toward making MPAC and the MPAC customer experience a success.
A volunteer since 2018, Dawn was named “Rookie of the Year” during the 2018-2019 season. She volunteers in a variety of front of house roles as needed.
“Dawn is such a pleasant volunteer and nothing shakes her.” says Erin Pach, MPAC’s Front of House Director. “She helps where its most needed, is calm, cool, and collected and has a real love for helping at our sensory friendly performances.”
“I enjoy the interaction with the patrons, the friendships with fellow volunteers and attending amazing performances,” Bublitz said.
For more information about MPAC’s volunteer program, please click here.