Imagine salsa dancing under the stars…or joining in on a poetry slam…or bringing your family out for a free movie…or taking a break from your work day to enjoy a reggae band. Free events such as these are part of MPAC’s exciting new initiative entitled “Arts in the Community.”
Arts in the Community brings free concerts, movies and more beyond the walls of the Theatre and out into our neighborhood in Morristown. Throughout this summer, MPAC will present free events at a variety of venues beyond our main stage, including the 70 South Gallery, The Morristown Green and the Vail Lawn (Adjacent to MPAC). Over 20 events will be scheduled.
Arts in the Community is based on the best practices of Creative Placemaking, an evolving field that leverages the power of the arts, culture and creativity to serve a community’s interest, while driving a broader agenda for change, growth and transformation in a way that builds character and quality of place.
“With our Arts in the Community program, we expand our commitment to providing creative arts programming to spaces outside of the Theater,” said Kadie Dempsey, MPAC’s Community Engagement Director. “We strive to be inclusive and to provide opportunities for local and emerging artists to perform and express themselves.”
Each venue will have a particular vibe. The Morristown Green is home to MPAC’s and Morris Arts’ annual world music lunchtime concert series Music Beyond Borders. 70 South Gallery will be an arts incubator, and host edgier events targeted toward millennials such as poetry slams, documentaries and music. The Vail Lawn will provide evening music from diverse artists for diverse audiences.
With this program, MPAC hopes to encourage the development of community arts, foster growth of local artists, provide community arts activities for people to enjoy, promote the inclusion of all members of our community and make arts experiences available to everyone. “Our aim is to serve as the central hub and platform in the Morristown area for local artists, residents and visitors to celebrate the arts in our diverse community,” Dempsey added.
Additional events will be added. Advance ticketing is only required for free movies and the free August 24 concert.
Click here to see what free events you can attend this summer in our community!