Dear Friends:
The arts have a way of bringing us together, especially during difficult times. I have been so inspired by the many positive messages I have been receiving from our community of members, patrons, volunteers and Performing Arts School parents. I am humbled by the continuing support of our theater, and delighted that our Virtual Arts page has been visited over 14,000 times to date. Our patrons are enjoying more than 80 original and curated arts experiences while our theater remains dark. Finally, I am thrilled that our arts educators are able to continue to serve our enthusiastic Performing Arts School students through Zoom and other online platforms.
During this unprecedented time, MPAC faces challenges that we never could have imagined – but I remain optimistic, because I know that MPAC is a place where we find incredible joy and come together as a community to be inspired, uplifted and educated through the arts. We will get through this together, and we will be here for you, but right now we need your help.
Please consider supporting the theater by making a special gift (or by becoming a member). This will help MPAC to continue to stand strong as your cherished home for the performing arts.
Our staff members, trustees and volunteers can’t wait to see you back at the theater. Although our doors are closed to the public for now, we have been working remotely to ensure the arts stay present in your life. Your philanthropy at this time will enable us to continue to plan for an exciting and robust schedule of events for you to enjoy as soon as we are able to reopen. There is much more “behind the scenes” work that needs to be done.
During this time I am reminded of the lyrics “we all need somebody to lean on,” written by the late, great Bill Withers. MPAC’s youth Performing Arts Company performs this song as part of their touring repertoire when visiting hospitals and nursing homes throughout the state. I hope this short highlight will inspire you to consider a gift for MPAC “to lean on” while we continue to prepare for a new season of thrilling arts experiences and world-class live events.
We hope you are able to support MPAC by making a donation today.
Thank you and be well,
Allison Larena
President and CEO