
B&N Entertainment presents Green Card

Unfortunately, this performance has been cancelled due to scheduling conflicts.

Green Card, by Nina Sadghobelashvili, tells the story about individuals who dream about leaving  their native land to immigrate to the United States, the country that Georgians view as the symbol of the protection of human rights, culture, science,  etc. To them, the U.S.  is the land of dreams, where education, work and effort are valued, where you can proudly earn your income based on your work and where you can provide for your family members whom you left behind.

The play “Green Card” is a tragicomedy. Director Giorgi Sikharulidze directs it in a way that the tragic scenes are transformed into comic scenes. The performers will speak the native language and appear in Georgian costumes. They will use the exceptional Georgian polyphony style of singing and traditional dancing.

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Mayo Performing Arts Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, presents a wide range of programs that entertain, enrich, and educate the diverse population of the region and enhance the economic vitality of Northern New Jersey.

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